Welcome to the podcast!
I released my first episode ever without a guest. Don’t worry, I’m definitely making up for it this week. On this episode, I have three traders with me today. All of them are from Blackpier Capital, a data-driven, options trading and performance based fund.
If you’ve been around since the middle of 2016 then you may already know one of my guests, Ryan Moffett. He first appeared on episode and is the lead investment manager for Blackpier Capital.
The second guest plays a key role in trade execution, Tyler Moore. Last but not least is Wayne Klump, who works on research and strategy development.
The cool thing about Wayne is that he heard Ryan’s episode on Chat With Traders. During that episode, Ryan made an offhanded comment about how they wanted to hire another person. As a result, he got over 200 emails, one being from Wayne. How cool is it that he’s part of the team now?
In this episode, we chat about why it’s beneficial to work in a team, the role mentoring plays and the pros of options trading.We also talk about how options may be able to improve an existing ETF strategy and how multiple dimensions inherent to options can give traders a unique edge.
Let’s get started. Here’s Ryan, Tyler and Wayne.
What’s Covered in This Interview:
- How traders can put aside self-limiting beliefs. Examples include being intimidated to start a hedge fund and limits on annual returns.
- How to properly harness the power of a team, including how to successfully work remotely, why small groups may be better, and the importance of having a clear focus and goals.
- Why Blackpier only trades options using multiple dimensions natural to options in order to get greater edge we well as bettering existing strategies.
Links and Resources:
- WebEx
- Slack
- Skype
- Episode 83: Ryan Moffett
- CWT Facebook Group
- BlackpierCapital.com
- @BlackpierLP – Follow Ryan on Twitter
- RMoffett (at) BlackpierCapital (dot) com – Ryan’s email